Happy New Year!

Let's start at the very beginning. I wish you all the very happiest of new years! What did you all get up to? Are you still away? Do you feel refreshed?

I had the longest break I have had in about 4 years since starting this business. I was really exhausted at the end of 2018. It was a huge year for me and the business. It saw my first steps into retail by opening 2 stores. The first in Cottesloe and the second in Applecross as well as launching new products, increasing my wholesale distribution, training new staff, my first ABC interview, new kitchen, etc etc. All very fulfilling but all encompassing. I usually have several panic attacks while on holidays worrying about how am I going to pay rent, wages, bills while growing my business. I'm sure any of you out there owning your own small business or any business can relate?

So I made some new years resolutions. Let it go! Leave the worry behind and focus on delivering a great product and nurturing my customers whilst listening to their needs and desires! Easy right? Let's see how I go with that. Maybe you can share some tips with me to keep me on the straight and narrow!

I would like to thank you all for following me in this journey. What I have gained in experience is invaluable. If it all fails tomorrow I'm super proud of what I've achieved. Plus I have met the most wonderful and inspirational people on this path. I truly love my customers, they are the best people in the world!

Happy 2019 everyone!!






Natasha Winburn-Clarke
Natasha Winburn-Clarke
